+65 8693 9893 education@flyfairabroad.com employment@flyfairabroad.com 5 Soon Lee Street,
#02-09 Pioneer Point

Career corner

Resume Writing

Helping employees gain skills and providing career development often take a back seat to business priorities but workplace better right now. Seventy percent of workers think that.

  • Employers look at resumes for an average of only six or seven seconds.
  • Your resume should be clear, concise and tailored to the job for which you are applying.
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  • Keep your resume short and direct.
  • Create an original resume template
  • Highlight relevant skills and experiences
  • Demonstrate results with numbers and metrics
  • Craft a career snapshot
  • Optimize your text
  • Think beyond your job duties
  • Use the right language to stand out
  • List your social media profiles.
  • Check for errors


The impression you make on the interviewer often canoutweigh your actual credentials.

You and the interviewer must engage in a conversation - a mutual exchange of information and ideas.


The Dos

  • Prepare for the interview
  • Mind your body language
  • Listen actively to the interviewer
  • Show your strengths and expertise
  • Ask job-related questions
  • Send a follow-up email

The Don’ts

  • Don’t arrive late or unprepared
  • Don’t speak poorly about previous employers
  • Don’t ask irrelevant questions
  • Don’t provide false information
  • Don’t share too many personal details
  • Don’t use your smartphone during the interview